Well I finally did it. After almost 3 years of homebrewing, I entered my first homebrew competition. Not just any competition mind you, but “the competition”. The 2021 National Homebrew Competition. I thought I’d do something a little different here, and chronicle my entry in the 2021 National Homebrew Competition. Think of it as a […]
Big Book Of Clone Recipes Review
Brew Your Own has a publication called the Big Book of Clone Recipes, which we will review in this post. Why would I spend $20 on this book, when I can find any number of close recipes on the Internet? By the way, you can purchase this from Amazon for $20, instead of the $25 […]
Bru’n Water Estimated Beer Color
Have you ever noticed that the estimated beer color in Bru’n Water doesn’t quite match the coklor calculations in BeerSmith? In fact, these numbers can be off considerably at times, and it makes you wonder which one you should rely on. I also found that the darker the beer I was brewing, the larger delta […]
CuS.S Immersion Chiller Review
Cooling your wort quickly after the boil has a number of benefits. While the obvious among those is being able to pitch your yeast quickly into wort that’s the proper temperature, there are in fact others to consider. By cooling wort quickly with an immersion chiller, or other piece of hardware, you reduce the risk […]
A 6 Hour Brew Day And It Was Awesome
I just had my first 6 hour brew day, and it was pretty amazing. Now normally, I’m all about saving time, and trying to expedite things during my brew days. Heck, I’ve even pushed things with my pilot beers to get things done in under 2 hours. I normally get my water together, and grind […]
What Is The Right Amount of Oak Cubes?
One of my favorite styles of beer is an Imperial Stout. Not just any Imperial Stout, but one that has been aged in Bourbon Oak Barrels. It really doesn’t get any better than that, especially if it’s done right. As a homebrewer, procuring a used 50+ gallon oak barrel to condition my homebrew doesn’t make […]
Back To Basics With Extract Brewing
When I started this little hobby, I started where most homebrewers begin, with extract brewing. After brewing 4 extract batches, I was ready to make the leap to all grain brewing, and I haven’t looked back. I’ve been able to produce some great tasting beers, and I’d like to think I’ve got pretty good at […]