Brewhouse efficiency can be defined as the percent of grain sugar that’s converted into sugar in the wort, while taking into account the various losses from your equipment setup. Chasing brewhouse efficiency issues is a common theme when browsing any number of homebrew forums. It seems a lot of home brewers get caught up in […]
Mecca Grade Blonde Again
I’ve been dying to try Mecca Grade Estate malt for the past year or so? Why? Everything I read about this craft maltster screams quality, and I really wanted to see what the fuss was all about. I also wanted to know if there was truly a difference between what a craft maltster produces, and […]
Easter Brew: Bell’s Oberon Clone
When I think of Easter, I normally associate it with Spring. When I think of Spring, particularly when it comes to beer, I think of Oberon. Oberon Day 2020 was officially celebrated on March 23rd. So while I missed the official party this year, I’m not going to miss out on having a keg of […]
Base Malt Comparison Taste Test
Base malt, or brewers malt, is a staple ingredient in any beer that is brewed. Base malt can be found in a variety of different styles, and is traditionally sourced from two-row barley. Whether you use Pilsner, Pale, Pale-Ale, or even Vienna malt in your beer, you’ve been using a base malt. It’s said, if […]
Not So Hoppy German Pilsner Recipe
I’m not one that typically goes around tooting my own horn when it comes to my homebrew recipes, but this is one I just had to share. I set out to create a German Pilsner recipe, one that wasn’t overly hoppy. The result was without a doubt my best homebrew to date. What made it […]
Yeast Strain Comparison Chart
Brewer’s yeast fascinates me. How can one simple organism generate so many different flavors in the beers we brew? The problem is, there’s so many yeast strains available how on earth do you find what you are looking for? To further complicate matters, there’s at least 5 major yeast labs in the market all offering […]
Easy Lagering Method
When it comes to homebrewing, folks seem to freak out whenever it comes to brewing up a lager. Excuses like; I don’t have the right equipment, I can’t get my fermentation temperature into the low 50’s, or I don’t know how are all rubbish. Brewing a lager doesn’t need to be difficult, in fact, it’s […]