Have you ever noticed that the estimated beer color in Bru’n Water doesn’t quite match the coklor calculations in BeerSmith? In fact, these numbers can be off considerably at times, and it makes you wonder which one you should rely on. I also found that the darker the beer I was brewing, the larger delta […]
General Homebrewing Information
General information on homebrewing. This will cover a wide range of homebrewing topics, and will end up being the most prominent category on BrewGinner.
2021 National Homebrew Competition Entry
Well I finally did it. After almost 3 years of homebrewing, I entered my first homebrew competition. Not just any competition mind you, but “the competition”. The 2021 National Homebrew Competition. I thought I’d do something a little different here, and chronicle my entry in the 2021 National Homebrew Competition. Think of it as a […]
What Is The Right Amount of Oak Cubes?
One of my favorite styles of beer is an Imperial Stout. Not just any Imperial Stout, but one that has been aged in Bourbon Oak Barrels. It really doesn’t get any better than that, especially if it’s done right. As a homebrewer, procuring a used 50+ gallon oak barrel to condition my homebrew doesn’t make […]
WLP830 Fermentation Time
I just brewed up a Vienna Lager using WLP830 German Lager yeast, and I was blown away on how quickly this thing fermented. This will be short and to the point. How long does it take to ferment WLP830 German Lager yeast? WLP830 Fermentation Time There’s a lot of information regarding the fermentation time of […]
Yeast Strain Comparison Chart
Brewer’s yeast fascinates me. How can one simple organism generate so many different flavors in the beers we brew? The problem is, there’s so many yeast strains available how on earth do you find what you are looking for? To further complicate matters, there’s at least 5 major yeast labs in the market all offering […]
Wyeast 2565: My Go To Kolsch Yeast
My first experience trying a Kolsch Style beer was one I think I’ll always remember. I didn’t realize it at the time, but a Kolsch was soon going to turn into one of my favorite beer styles. There was something about this beer that I found a bit unusual. I really couldn’t place it, but […]
Happy Homebrewing Anniversary
Almost one year ago to the day, I was drinking my first batch of homebrew. Man, how things have changed over the course of a single year. I’ve gone from brewing extract batches, along with the struggles of bottling, to all grain brewing and kegging everything. Over the course of the last year, I’ve brewed […]